dimecres, 30 de març del 2011

Primer vídeo de sa 26 HOURS PARTY PEOPLE!

Per celebrar que finalitzava es meu 26è any sobre aquest planeta, impagables amigues i amics me varen organitzar una impagable festa que mai oblidaré, guardada com la tenc en es calaix des moments meravellosos. Com que se mereixerà un vídeoresum i un post ad hoc, no vos n'avançaré res excepte que va durar 26 hores i que va constar de 26 proves amb sos seus respectius 26 premis-regals. Crec que poques vegades m'ha passat de fer es balanç d'un dia i estar del tot segur que no en borraria ni en canviaria ni un segon. Espectacular. Mil gràcies!

Idò sa 4a prova va ser sortir en es lipdub d'Esporles m'agrada fent de gallina (vestit de gitana, però això era herència de sa primera de ses tasques que me varen posar). Es resultat el podeu observar i jutjar a n'es següent vídeo (2'00''):

(moltes gràcies a sa gent d'Esporles per permetre que hi féssim es burinot!).

2 comentaris:

rECO ha dit...

Gracis a voltros, Familia Montoya 2.0, per venir a participar i fer encara més gran la festa!!! I PER MOLTS D'ANYS!!!

Anònim ha dit...

WAKE UP: Muslims use a 'trick' to get reach a «demographic advantage»: The suppression of the rights of the women!...

Call spread in the INTERNET:
Sexual education without Taboos or Neo-Taboos: the analysis of the sex taboo, (in traditionally monogamous societies), we see that the real purpose of the sex taboo was the social integration of sexually weaker males.
{See The Origin of sex Taboo blog}

Nowadays, on one hand many women are looking for men with a bigger sexual competence, specially men from traditionally polygamous societies: in these societies, only the stronger men have children, they choose them and refine the quality of the men.
On the other hand, nowadays many men from traditionally monogamous societies look for females from other societies, that are economically weakened [soft]...

In traditionally polygamous societies is it natural, that only the strongest men have children, NEVERTHELESS the traditionally monogamenen societies must accept their history! That is, these societies can´t treat the sexually weaker males like the trash cans of society! This means, that men (with good health) rejected by females should have the legitimate right to an ARTIFICIAL womb [Scientific Research Priority]...